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answered 2021-01-20 18:44:20 +0800

hawk gravatar image hawk

http://hawkphoenix.blogsp... ZK Team

I think you might replace the ListModel object you set to Chosenbox, this will cause a re-rendering and lose the user input.

You should call ListModelList.add() or ListModelList.addAll() to add items without re-rendering.

I think you might replace the ListModel object you set to Chosenbox, when you load data from a database, this will cause a re-rendering and lose the user input.

You should keep using the same ListModel and call ListModelList.add() or ListModelList.addAll() to add items without items. Then it won't cause re-rendering.

I think you might replace have replaced the ListModel object you set to Chosenbox when you load data from a database, this will cause a re-rendering and lose the user input.

You should keep using the same ListModel and call ListModelList.add() or ListModelList.addAll() to add items. Then it won't cause re-rendering.

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