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answered 2020-12-16 15:57:45 +0800

hawk gravatar image hawk

http://hawkphoenix.blogsp... ZK Team

Thanks for the zkfiddle. After I do a performance profiling, it's caused by size reset and applying css flex for many <hlayout height="100%" hflex="1" >

image description

It looks like ZK does something unnecessary. I will post a bug to improve this case.

If this is your use case, the workaround would be to replace hflex="1" width="100%" if it gives you the same result.

What you suggest "to delay the recalculation until the mouse release event", which is impossible. Since you can't detect a mouse down when resizing a browser because it clicks outside of a web page.

Thanks for the zkfiddle. After I do a performance profiling, it's caused by size reset and applying css flex for many <hlayout height="100%" hflex="1" >

image description

It looks like ZK does something unnecessary. more. I will post a bug to improve this case.

If this is your use case, the workaround would be to replace hflex="1" width="100%" if it gives you the same result.

What you suggest "to delay the recalculation until the mouse release event", which is impossible. Since you can't detect a mouse down when resizing a browser because it clicks outside of a web page.

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