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asked 2014-10-24 16:47:20 +0800

rachid86 gravatar image rachid86

how to specify the client id gmaps component zk 6

Hi, i am using the gmpas component of zk6, and since our product is a business product so we have pochused a google licence to use google maps api, so i have to specify in each call the client id, but i am facing problems to figure out how i can pass this parameter. could you please tell me how can i set this value? thanks in advance.

how to specify the client id gmaps component zk 6

Hi, i am using the gmpas component of zk6, and since our product is a business product so we have pochused purchased a google licence to use google maps api, so i have to specify in each call the client id, but i am facing problems to figure out how i can pass this parameter. could you please tell me how can i set this value? thanks in advance.

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