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asked 2013-12-04 12:06:39 +0800

UmaSathya gravatar image UmaSathya

The server is temporarily out of service. (syntax error (SyntaxError))


I'm using the following code to redirect to another page on a button click. Once the button is clicked the events were processed, but on redirection its showing the following error

The server is temporarily out of service. Would you like to try again?

(syntax error (SyntaxError))

The server is temporarily out of service. (syntax error (SyntaxError))


I'm using the following code to redirect to another page on a button click. Once the button is clicked the events were processed, but on redirection its showing the following error

The server is temporarily out of service. Would you like to try again?

(syntax error (SyntaxError))

Execution exec = Executions.getCurrent();
HttpServletResponse response = HttpServletResponse)exec.getNativeResponse();
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