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asked 2013-03-03 13:41:48 +0800

lramellavotta gravatar image lramellavotta flag of Italy

How to firing textbox dirty when value is changed from combobox?

Hi everybody,

I have a simple combobox

<combobox id="cmbMMG" autocomplete="true" width="250px" model="@load(vm.lstMMG)" selecteditem="@bind(vm.selMMG)" autodrop="true" onselect="txtMMG.invalidate(); txtMMG.setValue(self.getSelectedItem().getValue().toString())"> <template name="model"> <comboitem label="@load(each.cognome)" value="@load(each.progressivo)" description="@load(each.nome)"/> </template> </combobox> MMG:<textbox id="txtMMG" value="@bind(gbD.MMG)" width="30px"/>

My "simple" question is: why onSelect event not firing dirty status in my middle object MVVM while if I edit the field manually the status dirty is correct?

Thanks for the help Luca

How to firing textbox dirty when value is changed from combobox?

Hi everybody,

I have a simple combobox

<combobox id="cmbMMG" autocomplete="true" width="250px" model="@load(vm.lstMMG)" selecteditem="@bind(vm.selMMG)" autodrop="true" onselect="txtMMG.invalidate(); 
            selectedItem="@bind(vm.selMMG)" autodrop="true"
            onSelect="txtMMG.invalidate(); txtMMG.setValue(self.getSelectedItem().getValue().toString())">
                     <template name="model">
                         <comboitem label="@load(each.cognome)" value="@load(each.progressivo)" value="@load(each.progressivo)"
    MMG:<textbox id="txtMMG" value="@bind(gbD.MMG)" width="30px"/>


My "simple" question is: why onSelect event not firing dirty status in my middle object MVVM while if I edit the field manually the status dirty is correct?

Thanks for the help Luca

How to firing textbox dirty when value is changed from combobox?

Hi everybody,

I have a simple combobox

<combobox id="cmbMMG" autocomplete="true" width="250px" model="@load(vm.lstMMG)" 
            selectedItem="@bind(vm.selMMG)" autodrop="true"
            onSelect="txtMMG.invalidate(); txtMMG.setValue(self.getSelectedItem().getValue().toString())">
                    <template name="model">
                        <comboitem label="@load(each.cognome)" value="@load(each.progressivo)"
   MMG:<textbox id="txtMMG" value="@bind(gbD.MMG)" width="30px"/>

My "simple" question is: why onSelect event not firing dirty status in my middle object MVVM while if I edit the field manually the status dirty is correct?

Thanks for the help Luca

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