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initial version

asked 2010-01-17 08:29:28 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany

new Zksample2 app. Spring, -AOP, -Security, Hibernate, Hibernate-Generic-DAO, Jasper

Hi all,

today we have checked in the new Zksample2 application as maven2 projects on You can reach the project homepage under the link here.

You will find there 3 eclipse maven subprojects and the folder for the documentation.

  1. KeyGenZkoss = one-time-password generator
  2. spring-hibernate-backend = backend
  3. zkoss = frontend
  4. zksample2_doc = documentation

The Documentation you can download seperately as a pdf-file from here.

The documentation is a work in progress so be sure to check sometimes for the newest file.

For checkout and evaluate or work with the application please download and read first the documentation.

Mainly changes to the first sample app are: - change project structure as maven2 projects - spring managed frontend - @Secured() for securing methods with own implementation - login statistic - several integration options of ipToCountry - one-time-password sources are opend - Refactoring all Domain/DAO/Service Classes to english names - many many code changes - documentation

We whish all fun with it and hope that it can be usefull for others.

best Stephan and Björn

new Zksample2 app. Spring, -AOP, -Security, Hibernate, Hibernate-Generic-DAO, Jasper

Hi all,

today we have checked in the new Zksample2 application as maven2 projects on You can reach the project homepage under the link here.

You will find there 3 eclipse maven subprojects and the folder for the documentation.

  1. KeyGenZkoss = one-time-password generator
  2. spring-hibernate-backend = backend
  3. zkoss = frontend
  4. zksample2_doc = documentation

The Documentation you can download seperately as a pdf-file from here.

The documentation is a work in progress so be sure to check sometimes for the newest file.

For checkout and evaluate or work with the application please download and read first the documentation.

Mainly changes to the first sample app are: - change project structure as maven2 projects - spring managed frontend - @Secured() for securing methods with own implementation - login statistic - several integration options of ipToCountry - one-time-password sources are opend - Refactoring all Domain/DAO/Service Classes to english names - many many code changes - documentation

We whish all fun with it and hope that it can be usefull for others.

best Stephan and Björn

new Zksample2 app. Spring, -AOP, -Security, Hibernate, Hibernate-Generic-DAO, Jasper

Hi all,

today we have checked in the new Zksample2 application as maven2 projects on You can reach the project homepage under the link here.

You will find there 3 eclipse maven subprojects and the folder for the documentation.

  1. KeyGenZkoss = one-time-password generator
  2. spring-hibernate-backend = backend
  3. zkoss = frontend
  4. zksample2_doc = documentation

The Documentation you can download seperately as a pdf-file from here.

The documentation is a work in progress so be sure to check sometimes for the newest file.

For checkout and evaluate or work with the application please download and read first the documentation.

Mainly changes to the first sample app are: - change project structure as maven2 projects - spring managed frontend - @Secured() for securing methods with own implementation - login statistic - several integration options of ipToCountry - one-time-password sources are opend - Refactoring all Domain/DAO/Service Classes to english names - many many code changes - documentation

We whish all fun with it and hope that it can be usefull for others.

best Stephan and Björn

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