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asked 2008-09-16 10:22:08 +0800

mk gravatar image mk

Tree Render Bug?


I think I have found a bug in the tree component.

If I declare the component within a zul file like this: <tree model="${treemodel}" treeitemrenderer="${treeRenderer}">

"treemodel" and "treeRenderer" are declared ahead of the tree component within a <zscript> tag

The tree should be renderer on loading of the zul file with my "treeRenderer", but it is renderer with the default TreeitemRenderer. As soon as I open the Treeitem, all following Treeitems are renderer correctly with my "treeRenderer". If necessary I can provide a small example.


... (some data filling for demonstration purpose)...

SimpleTreeNode first = new SimpleTreeNode(ls.get(1), ls2); SimpleTreeNode second = new SimpleTreeNode(ls.get(2), ls3); ls1.add(first); ls1.add(second); SimpleTreeNode root = new SimpleTreeNode(ls.get(0), ls1);

SimpleTreeModel treemodel = new SimpleTreeModel(root); ]]></zscript> <tree model="${treemodel}" treeitemrenderer="${treeRenderer}"> </tree>

I am using zk 3.50

mfg Michael

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