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asked 2008-09-11 23:24:30 +0800

zuzsso gravatar image zuzsso

Rendering accuracy

Why this sentence <combobox width="100px"/> doesn't produce a combo box 100 pixels long? The whole box doesn't measure 100 pixels, but 118 pix. That happens the same to the <separator> objetc. This sentence <separator width="3px"/> produces one of 4 pix. The sentence <textbox width="100px/"> produces one of 108 pix. It makes me difficult to do layout

Rendering accuracy

Why this sentence <combobox width="100px"/> sentence

`<combobox width="100px"/>`

doesn't produce a combo box 100 pixels long? The whole box doesn't measure 100 pixels, but 118 pix. That happens the same to the <separator> objetc. the


objects. This sentence

 <separator width="3px"/> width="3px"/>

produces one of 4 pix. The sentence

<textbox width="100px/"> width=100px/>

produces one of 108 pix. It makes me difficult to do layout

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