Zk Chosenbox getSelection

asked 2015-10-01 20:53:37 +0800

javiut gravatar image javiut flag of Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
90 1 5

updated 2015-10-02 20:27:40 +0800

I have a Chosebox i am completely new to this api i select some items but i couldn't find back i mean i have try

BindingListModelList getSelection()

but returns empty i have try


I follow this example http://www.zkoss.org/zkdemo/zkpeandee/comboboxchosenbox but i could not find a way to retrieve the selected objects.

but nothing worked any tip thanks a lot.

UPDATE I was using a ItemRender like this

public final class CustomChoseBoxRender implements org.zkoss.zul.ItemRenderer<NotNullIntegerStringEntry>
public String render(final Component owner,final NotNullIntegerStringEntry data,final int index) throws Exception
  {return data.getValue();}

when i set the render to the chosenbox the getSelection() method always return a empty set.

box.setItemRenderer(new CustomChoseBoxRender());
<chosenbox itemRenderer="@{render}"/>

I have try to set it in both java and in and zul but the results are the same.

Is this a bug any workaround?

I have create a Fiddle as show this bug in 6.5.3 but works ok in 7.5.1


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answered 2015-10-03 10:15:00 +0800

JoeHuang gravatar image JoeHuang
1126 2

updated 2015-10-03 10:18:02 +0800

hi Javiut:

It's best to use a model to do all the operation instead of using a component.

Because a model has deal with all the possible situations, using a component would break the operations a model do.

Here is an example.

    <hlayout apply="org.support.simulate6.MailContactsController">
        <chosenbox id="contacts" width="100px" />
        <button id="send" label="print" />
    <label id="output"/>

public class MailContactsController extends SelectorComposer<Component> {

    private Chosenbox contactsbox;

    private Label output;

    private ListModelList<String> contacts;

    public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {

        contacts = new ListModelList<String>();
        contacts.add("[email protected]");
        contacts.add("[email protected]");
        contacts.add("[email protected]");

    public void send() {
        String contact = "";
        Iterator<String> contactInter = contacts.getSelection().iterator();
        while (contactInter.hasNext()) {
            contact += contactInter.next();
            contact += " ";

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Asked: 2015-10-01 20:53:37 +0800

Seen: 21 times

Last updated: Oct 03 '15

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