How display variable structure in .zul?

asked 2015-09-29 18:55:55 +0800

lramellavotta gravatar image lramellavotta flag of Italy
200 1 8

I have this struct

private class Permessi
    String Nome_videata;
    String Descrizione;
    Map<String, Boolean> Lista_tab;

Lista_tab have variable length like this example:

Videata1, Videata1Description, TAB1, TRUE, TAB2, FALSE
Videata2, Videata2Description, TAB1, FALSE

How can I display this struct in listbox object?


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3 Answers

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answered 2015-09-29 20:29:17 +0800

Darksu gravatar image Darksu
1991 1 4

Hello lramellavotta,

I would use a rowRenderer in order to retrieve the data and construct the listbox as i desire.

Please refer to the following example:


Best Regards,


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answered 2015-10-18 12:45:44 +0800

lramellavotta gravatar image lramellavotta flag of Italy
200 1 8

Hi, I have a little problem to display the data...

    Listbox lbPermessi;

My zul

<tabbox id="Tabbox">
        <tabs id="Tabs">
            <tab id="elenco"    label="Elenco"      onSelect="@command('tbElencoSel')" />
            <tab id="dettaglio" label="Dettaglio"   onSelect="@command('tbDettaglioSel')" />
            <tab id="eventi"    label="Eventi"      onSelect="@command('tbEventiSel')" />
            <tab id="log"       label="Log"         onSelect="@command('tbLogSel')" />
            <tab id="permessi"  label="Permessi"    onSelect="@command('tbPermessiSel')" />
<tabpanel id="tbPermessi">

                <listbox id="lbPermessi" mold="paging" sizedByContent="true" height="500px"
                    span="true" autopaging="true" 
                    visible="@load(not empty vm.selected)">
                        <listheader label="Videata" width="80px"/>
                        <listheader label="Descrizione" width="140px"/>

My java code

    public class PermessiVideo
       String Nome_videata;
       String Descrizione;
       Map<String, Map<String, Boolean>> Tabs = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Boolean>>();

    List<PermessiVideo> lstPermessiVideo;

This struct to deploy the permission of any Form and his tab.

image description

public void tbPermessiSel() 


public void doHeader()

{ Listhead lh = lbPermessi.getListhead(); for(int i=0;i<nummaxtabs;i++) {="" lh.appendchild(new="" listheader("tab",null,"80px"));="" lh.appendchild(new="" listheader("p",null,"30px"));="" }<="" p="">

    lbPermessi.setModel(new ListModelList<PermessiVideo>(lstPermessiVideo));
    lbPermessi.setItemRenderer(new myRender());


private class myRender implements ListitemRenderer<PermessiVideo>

    public void render(Listitem item, PermessiVideo pv, int index) throws Exception 
        System.out.print(pv.Nome_videata+"("+pv.Descrizione+") ->");
        new Listcell(pv.Nome_videata).setParent(item);
        new Listcell(pv.Descrizione).setParent(item);
        for(Entry<String, Map<String, Boolean>> entry : pv.Tabs.entrySet()) 
            Map<String, Boolean> Tabs = entry.getValue();   
            for(Entry<String, Boolean> lstTab : Tabs.entrySet())
                new Listcell(lstTab.getKey().toString());
                new Listcell(lstTab.getValue().toString());
                System.out.print(lstTab.getKey().toString()+" "+lstTab.getValue().toString()+" | ");

The System.out is corrected but the zul not load the tabs.... image description

Any idea?


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answered 2015-10-18 13:18:23 +0800

lramellavotta gravatar image lramellavotta flag of Italy
200 1 8

Solved.... The zul expects a boolean (I hope...)

This code solved the problem:

    public void render(Listitem item, PermessiVideo pv, int index) throws Exception 
        System.out.print(pv.Nome_videata+"("+pv.Descrizione+") ->");
        new Listcell(pv.Nome_videata).setParent(item);
        new Listcell(pv.Descrizione).setParent(item);
        for(Entry<String, Map<String, Boolean>> entry : pv.Tabs.entrySet()) 
            Map<String, Boolean> Tabs = entry.getValue();   
            for(Entry<String, Boolean> lstTab : Tabs.entrySet())
                // Descrizione TAB
                Listcell cellTab = new Listcell();

                cellTab.appendChild(new Label(lstTab.getKey().toString()));

                // Permesso TAB
                Checkbox ckb = new Checkbox();
                cellTab = new Listcell();

                System.out.print(lstTab.getKey().toString()+" "+lstTab.getValue().toString()+" | ");

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Asked: 2015-09-29 18:55:55 +0800

Seen: 50 times

Last updated: Oct 18 '15

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