ZK Charts under <portalchildren>

asked 2015-04-22 14:20:15 +0800

pandukish gravatar image pandukish
68 1 1 4

updated 2015-04-22 14:45:25 +0800

Hi All,

I am trying to use ZK charts under portal layout. If I use this charts code inside the portal children it showing the "Processing" busy icon always.

<portallayout maximizedmode="whole">

    <portalchildren width="30%" id="c2">

        <panel apply="com..components.TestDeviceSummaryComposer"    >
            <charts id="chart12" type="column" title="Browser market shares. November, 2013"
                subtitle="Click the columns to view versions. Source: netmarketshare.com."/>



Would you please help us in this regard.

Regards, Pandukish

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1 Answer

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answered 2015-05-03 15:42:02 +0800

Darksu gravatar image Darksu
1991 1 4

Hello pandukish,

If the processing busy icon appears then there is something wrong in your code that prevents it from being executed correctly.

Please find bellow a working example:

<?page title="Auto Generated index.zul"?>
<window title="" border="normal" width="100%" height="100%">

<portallayout orient="horizontal">
    <portalchildren width="50%">
        <panel height="500px" width="1000px" title="ZK">
        import org.zkoss.zul.GanttModel.GanttTask;

            public Date date(int year, int month, int day) {
                final java.util.Calendar calendar = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
                calendar.set(year, month-1, day);
                final Date result = calendar.getTime();
                return result;
            //series, task (task description, start, end, complete percentage)
            GanttModel ganttmodel = new GanttModel();
            ganttmodel.addValue("Scheduled", new GanttTask("Write Proposal", date(2008,4,1), date(2008,4,5), 0.1));
            ganttmodel.addValue("Actual", new GanttTask("Signoff", date(2008,12,10), date(2008,12,11), 0.0));
    <chart id="gantt" title="Gantt Chart" width="700" height="400"
        type="gantt" threeD="false" fgAlpha="128" dateFormat="yyyy/MM/dd" >


Best Regards,


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Asked: 2015-04-22 14:20:15 +0800

Seen: 18 times

Last updated: May 03 '15

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