ZK Less Compile

asked 2015-03-13 13:53:53 +0800

Senthilchettyin gravatar image Senthilchettyin flag of India
2623 3 8

updated 2015-03-13 15:26:32 +0800

I followed the post how to compile less files into css.dsp.

At the bottom, in the zul file, example has reference to less file directly ? then why we need to compile to dsp file ?

What is the difference between linking the css file , less file and linking the css.dsp file ?

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answered 2015-03-15 20:39:21 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16

updated 2015-03-15 20:43:33 +0800

  1. Linking the less file is in that case ONLY for prototyping/testing/designing mode. And it works only with the zklesss-servlet package. By refreshing the page all referred *.less files are compiled new. The interesting feature of this is to test for example the changing of some variable values for the 'variables.less' file which should be imported in all other less (i.e. buttons.less, window.less,...) files.

  2. The dsp files are special css files. ZK needs some dynamic functions in their css definitions at runtime. (I hope this would be removed some day). And that's the problem why you only can compile the zk less files with their zkless-maven-compiler-plugin which out-comment/in-comment such dynamic functions during lessc compile time.

best Stephan

Less compiling/theming is a nice chapter in the ZKBoost ebook

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Asked: 2015-03-13 13:53:53 +0800

Seen: 35 times

Last updated: Mar 15 '15

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