post global command on different session (update ui on different session)

asked 2015-03-13 05:55:05 +0800

denilugito gravatar image denilugito
1 1

updated 2015-03-13 05:57:16 +0800

Hi, i would like to ask whether it is possible to detect multiple user session attribute and act accordingly (such as post command) if the concerned user fulfil that condition. My scenario is:

i have implemented an event listener on Click button, so that if admin user change certain role privilege on certain view access id, another user who are currently logged in with the affected view and role on different session will automatically redirected to unauthorized page access (through post global command method). Is it possible to do the changes on the afflicted user session ? (user whom current role and view is in accordance with the changes done by admin user). Bellow is my on click event code:

// admin on click change role view access

@Command("UpdateRoleAssignment") @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked","rawtypes"}) public void UpdateCallPopWin(@ContextParam(ContextType.BINDER) final Binder binder) { // do method update role assignment ........... (quite long)

// retrieve the current session attribute userCre = authService.getUserCredential();

if (userCre != null) { if (userCre.getCurrentPageID() != null) { String currentPageID = userCre.getCurrentPageID();
String currentUserID = userCre.getaccount();

    // check whether the user ID has access to the current view_ID
    userDAOInst.getJoinView(UserID, currentPageID);

    // if he / she doesn't have the access redirect it to the unauthorized page  
    if (userDAOInst == null) {
        Clients.showNotification("View Access Rule Violation Detected!!");
        postSideBarNavGlobalCommand(viewID, viewLabel, viewType, Uri);


getJoinView method is mysql procedure to check whether the user has rights to access the view id inputted. PostSideBarNavGlobalCommand is the global command which is used to render the page to the unauthorized page according to its viewID, viewLabel, viewType, Url. Currently it is working only for current session (session for admin user (user who changes the role assignment which won't be executed because the current view id will never be caught into the unauthorized view id =( ). how it can be done for users on different sessions?

Thanks before..

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1 Answer

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answered 2015-03-13 06:23:33 +0800

chillworld gravatar image chillworld flag of Belgium
5367 4 9

This is of course possible.

There is a small talk how you can do a chat with global command :


There is explained what you have to do for it. Don't forget, that each page must have viewmodel to the application scope where the global command is described.

You can make a seperate viewmodel for this and add that to your master page(if you use this) or just declare it in each page.

Greetz chill.

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Asked: 2015-03-13 05:55:05 +0800

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Mar 13 '15

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