chancge background color of selected row grid

asked 2013-12-01 06:44:47 +0800

RUFUS0863 gravatar image RUFUS0863

how change background color of row


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1 Answer

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answered 2013-12-01 14:54:17 +0800

chillworld gravatar image chillworld flag of Belgium
5367 4 9

updated 2013-12-02 07:28:17 +0800

With css:

       tr.z-listitem-seld { background-image:none; background-color:yellow;}
           classes = new String[] { "College", "Graduate" };
           grades = new Object[] { new String[] { "Best", "Better" },
           new String[] { "A++", "A+", "A" } };
       <listbox width="200px" forEach="${classes}">
               <listheader label="${each}" />
           <listitem label="${forEachStatus.previous.each}: ${each}"
                           forEach="${grades[forEachStatus.index]}" />

see for yourself here :


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good example... please paste the link to the source of the fiddle next time instead of the temp url to the running example, thanks

cor3000 ( 2013-12-02 03:12:01 +0800 )edit

btw if you don't want to change the colors for all listboxes you can use sclass like this <listbox sclass="mylistbox" ...> and then you can specifically define the color for this listbox only: <style> .mylistbox tr.z-listitem-seld { background-image:none; background-color:yellow;} </style>

cor3000 ( 2013-12-02 03:13:44 +0800 )edit

thx cor, tried to search the real fiddle, didn't find it but created a new one and changed the link here.

chillworld ( 2013-12-02 07:28:58 +0800 )edit

thanks for the fiddle, I added my version with different highlight colors for each listbox http://zkfiddle.org/sample/144129u/2-Change-background-color-selected-item-from-listbox

cor3000 ( 2013-12-02 09:36:01 +0800 )edit
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Asked: 2013-12-01 06:44:47 +0800

Seen: 96 times

Last updated: Dec 02 '13

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