how can i send a Synchronous request to server

asked 2013-04-26 08:39:55 +0800

gaoyuanjun gravatar image gaoyuanjun

updated 2013-05-01 05:53:15 +0800

sjoshi gravatar image sjoshi flag of India
3493 1 8

just like

jQuery $.ajax({
                async:false;//use Synchronous Ajax request
                type: "POST",
                url: "some.php",
                data: "name=John&location=Boston",
                success: function(msg){

when sending a request to server ,the webbrowser will be locked, and user can operate nothing.

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1 Answer

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answered 2013-05-01 05:18:07 +0800

rdgrimes gravatar image rdgrimes
735 7

There is, in the zAu object (see link), the ability to define an ajaxSettings map before issuing a send. Unfortunately, it is horribly documented. Well, actually, it's not documented at all as to what is valid in this map. But, since ZK heavily uses its own version of jQuery, I would think it well worth the effort to set ajaxSettings to include {async: false} and then send your request to the server via one of the sendXxx methods.

I'm betting that will do the trick.


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Asked: 2013-04-26 08:39:55 +0800

Seen: 21 times

Last updated: May 01 '13

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