tree selection

asked 2012-09-25 07:49:32 +0800

avidD gravatar image avidD
166 2

I have a tree with many treeitems. I now expand some nodes and make a multiple selection on some nodes which have children using the shift key. Unfortunately, the children are selected as well. This is not the correct behavior as the children are not visible at all. In effect, the semantics of the following operation is broken. For instance
* select 20 nodes using shift
* the tree selection contains 60 nodes
* press copy (copying 60 instead of the intended 20 nodes)
* paste ("flattens" the hierarchy, resp. duplicates erroneously selected children)

Can this behavior be turned off somehow?


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answered 2012-09-25 08:15:12 +0800

avidD gravatar image avidD
166 2

I now traverse the selection and remove those nodes that may be selected erroneously.

private Set<Treeitem> removeInvisibleNodes(Set<Treeitem> selection) {
    Set<Treeitem> visibleSelection = new HashSet<Treeitem>();
    for ( Treeitem item : selection ) {
      boolean visible = true;
      Treeitem current = item.getParentItem();
      while ( current != null && visible ) {
        visible = current.isOpen();
        current = current.getParentItem(); 
      if ( visible ) {
    return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet(visibleSelection);

However, this is not the correct behavior either because the user can very well select a node and then collapse its parent. Actually, the current behavior is a show-stopper for the feature. In fact, this is what the built-in Event-handler should do when shift is pressed instead of silently selecting invible nodes.

Help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks beforehand,

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answered 2012-10-11 10:54:59 +0800

jimmyshiau gravatar image jimmyshiau
4921 5
http://www.zkoss.org/ ZK Team

Hi David,
So you need to use shift select and do not select invisible children nodes, is it correct?

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answered 2012-10-11 17:55:01 +0800

avidD gravatar image avidD
166 2

Hi Jimmy,
yes, that's what I am planning to do. Is this somehow configurable?


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answered 2012-10-12 03:00:29 +0800

jimmyshiau gravatar image jimmyshiau
4921 5
http://www.zkoss.org/ ZK Team

updated 2012-10-12 03:00:39 +0800

Hi David,
There is no configuration for tree selection, but you can try to override the client function of the Tree, please refer to the following sample

	"function (opts) {opts = opts || {};opts.skipHidden=true;return new zul.sel.TreeItemIter(this, opts);}");

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Asked: 2012-09-25 07:49:32 +0800

Seen: 93 times

Last updated: Oct 12 '12

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