Center a window with ckeditor

asked 2012-05-24 14:55:16 +0800

Neus gravatar image Neus
1415 14

I'm trying to center a window with a ckeditor but it doesn't work.
The window doesn't have a height specified. Is the ckeditor that have it. I can't set a height to window because ckeditor height is changed by code and window must fit its content.
Here an example


package j1ckl78d$v1;

import org.zkoss.zk.ui.*;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.*;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.*;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.*;
import org.zkoss.zk.au.*;
import org.zkoss.zk.au.out.*;
import org.zkoss.zul.*;

public class Test extends GenericForwardComposer{
public Window ventana;
public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {


public void onClick$btn(Event e) throws InterruptedException{

<window id="ventana" border="normal" sizable="true" closable="true" width="850px" position="center" title="hello" apply="j1ckl78d$v1.Test">

<ckeditor id="ck" height="320px"/>
<button id="btn" label="click"/>

package j1ckl78d$v1;

import org.zkoss.zk.ui.*;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.*;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.*;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.*;
import org.zkoss.zk.au.*;
import org.zkoss.zk.au.out.*;
import org.zkoss.zul.*;

public class TestComposer extends GenericForwardComposer{

public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {


public void onClick$btn(Event e) throws InterruptedException{
Window ventana;
ventana = (Window)Executions.createComponents("test.zul",null,null);

<window border="normal" title="hello" apply="j1ckl78d$v1.TestComposer">

<button id="btn" label="Click Me To Open Centered Window" />

Any idea? What can I do?
I tried to center the window on doAfterCompose() and on window onCreate() but with no good result.

Thank you!

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5 Replies

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answered 2012-05-24 14:56:35 +0800

Neus gravatar image Neus
1415 14

Oops, fiddle doesn't look well...
Here the link: http://zkfiddle.org/sample/1ckl78d/2-Centered-window-with-ckeditor

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answered 2012-05-28 08:07:13 +0800

vincentjian gravatar image vincentjian
2245 6

Hi Neus,

It is timing issue.
You can specify height to window and using vflex in ckez component.

  <window id="ventana" border="normal" sizable="true" closable="true" width="850px" height="350px" position="center" title="hello" apply="forum.Test">

    <ckeditor id="ck" vflex="1"/>
    <button id="btn" label="click to center"/>

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answered 2012-05-29 07:00:11 +0800

Neus gravatar image Neus
1415 14

If I specify vflex in ckeditor It says: Method setVflex not found for class org.zkforge.ckez.CKeditor

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answered 2012-05-29 09:20:37 +0800

vincentjian gravatar image vincentjian
2245 6

Hi Neus,

Please try using latest version of CKeditor in your local machine, it has some problem on ZK fiddle.

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answered 2012-05-30 10:57:18 +0800

Neus gravatar image Neus
1415 14

Thank you it works!

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Asked: 2012-05-24 14:55:16 +0800

Seen: 171 times

Last updated: May 30 '12

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