SEVERE: unable to serialize entry

asked 2012-02-07 18:49:07 +0800

afxgroup gravatar image afxgroup
126 2

when i sto the tomcat i receive a lot of this error:

SEVERE: Unable to serialize entry: z_bshnsw=org.zkoss.zk.scripting.bsh.NSWrapSR@126f3d83


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answered 2012-03-08 14:00:47 +0800

Eomm gravatar image Eomm

updated 2012-03-08 14:51:28 +0800

I have the same problem:
org.zkoss.io.Serializables smartWrite:64
SEVERE: Unable to serialize entry: z__ul_0=[GIORNALE MAGAZZINO LUGLIO 2010 .pdf.p7m]
2011-12-27 17:33:02,823 ERROR [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheService] externalizeSession(): exception occurred externalizing session SessionBasedClusteredSession[id: 3DD28FE0BECD6395848AE150641746D7.ext2 lastAccessedTime: 132500381284 version: 368 lastOutdated: 0]
java.io.NotSerializableException: org.zkoss.zk.au.http.ZkFileItemFactory

I'm working in a jboss instance on a cluster enviroment and in the zk.xml i've already configured the SerializableUiFactory like described here:

Thanks for helping me

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answered 2012-03-08 16:18:46 +0800

afxgroup gravatar image afxgroup
126 2

it seems that org.zkoss.zk.scripting.bsh class doesn't implements Serialization and so we get this errors.
Someone has tried also to recompile zk adding the implements on that class but even if you get no more errors you will have a lot of side effects..

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Asked: 2012-02-07 18:49:07 +0800

Seen: 405 times

Last updated: Mar 08 '12

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