Save username/password in login form

asked 2011-02-08 08:06:05 +0800

gizm0 gravatar image gizm0
33 1

I have the following login form:

<?page title="Translator"?>
<?taglib uri="http://www.zkoss.org/dsp/web/core" prefix="c"?>
<?link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="img/favicon.ico"?>
<window title="${c:l('login.login')}" border="normal"
  width="500px" position="center" mode="overlapped">
  <h:form id="f" name="f" action="../j_spring_security_check" method="POST"
        <row if="${not empty SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION.message}">
          <label value="${c:l('login.failed')}:" />
          <textbox id="u" name="j_username" />
          <textbox id="p" type="password" name="j_password" />
          <checkbox id="r" name="_spring_security_remember_me" />
        <row spans="2">
          <hbox pack="end" width="100%">
            <h:input type="reset" value="${c:l('button.reset')}" />
            <h:input type="submit" value="${c:l('login.login')}" />
The problem is, that the browser does not remember the login credentials. Is there a way to make it work?

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9 Replies

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answered 2011-09-14 16:06:11 +0800

zippy gravatar image zippy
504 1 2


I have the same problem
Any solution to this?

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answered 2011-04-22 07:20:18 +0800

valmar gravatar image valmar
925 2 13

Worked very nicely :-D
Thanks for the tip!

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answered 2011-04-21 13:00:47 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16

updated 2011-04-21 13:01:22 +0800

yes, it's pre-defined values for the textboxes from a cookie.

See the ZkLoginDialog.java and the zkloginDialog.zul in Zksample2. Delete not used stuff and add the cookie stuff in there.

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answered 2011-04-21 12:39:17 +0800

valmar gravatar image valmar
925 2 13

Hm, no bad idea.
If I understood you correctly, that would bypass the browser's password manager and instead set username and password and manually if a cookie exists.

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answered 2011-04-21 10:06:10 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16

updated 2011-04-21 10:06:24 +0800

Hmmmmm, only an idea.

You can underlay a zk controller. In the onCreateLoginWindow() you can pre-define the user/pwd textboxes from readout a cookie ?


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answered 2011-04-21 09:51:55 +0800

valmar gravatar image valmar
925 2 13

thanks for your reply though Maik.

I guess it's time for some refactoring >:(

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answered 2011-04-21 07:33:21 +0800

mjablonski gravatar image mjablonski
1284 3 5

I've tried different solutions in the past, but nothing worked, so I think that it's not possible to bring a browser to save login credentials for an Ajax-form. The browser doesn't recognize it properly. I would recommend to use a traditional HTML/JSP-based form and submit the values to your ZK-application which resolves the login.

Cheers, Maik

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answered 2011-04-21 06:51:00 +0800

valmar gravatar image valmar
925 2 13

I have the same problem.
Any solution to this?

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answered 2011-02-09 03:33:09 +0800

gizm0 gravatar image gizm0
33 1

Maybe I didn't explain it well. The browser seems not to recognize to form as login form and it doesn't ask me, if I want to save the login credentials.

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Asked: 2011-02-08 08:06:05 +0800

Seen: 1,142 times

Last updated: Sep 14 '11

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