Toolbar button in grid is in Row with no Rows parent

asked 2010-11-12 11:20:04 +0800

dastultz gravatar image dastultz
797 9


I have a routine where you click on a Toolbarbutton in a grid, the index of the row the tbb is in is found, then the corresponding element is returned from the backing list model. I works all over the place except for one rare, non-reproducible case with the same 2 or 3 users, not everyone else. I put in some debugging code. This method gets called after the normal routine fails:

StringBuilder debug = new StringBuilder("Trying to find user for room control: " + tbbAddToRoom + "\n");
// try again to find user based on component, we're trying to get information to help troubleshoot ticket #243
ListModel listModel = ...
Grid grid = ...
Object data = null;
Component rowComponent = null;
Component parent = tbbAddToRoom.getParent();
while ((rowComponent == null) && (parent != null)) {
	if (parent instanceof Row) {
		debug.append("Found Row: " + parent + "\n");
		rowComponent = parent;
		// to ensure it's loaded
		grid.renderRow((Row) rowComponent);
		int index = grid.getRows().getChildren().indexOf(rowComponent);
		debug.append("Index of row in rows: " + index + "\n");
		if (index == -1) {
			debug.append("Trying to find by row parent\n");
			Component rows = rowComponent.getParent();
			if (rows != null) {
				index = rows.getChildren().indexOf(rowComponent);
				debug.append("Index of row in row parent: " + index + "\n");
			} else {
				debug.append("Row has no Rows parent\n");
		if (index != -1) data = listModel.getElementAt(index);
	parent = parent.getParent();
if (data == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find user by room control:\n" + debug);

And here is the debug output:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find user by room control:
Trying to find user for room control: <Toolbarbutton z_gu_hfo2>
Found Row: <Row z_gu_gtn2>
Index of row in rows: -1
Trying to find by row parent
Row has no Rows parent

So it appears the tbb is in a Row, but the Row is not in a Rows. How can it be that a tbb is clicked and the row is not attached to a Rows parent? Is it possible grid.renderRow((Row) rowComponent) could mess up the hierarchy?



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answered 2010-11-15 10:58:04 +0800

dastultz gravatar image dastultz
797 9

Interestingly, it sort of semi-failed this time:

Found user by alternate means:
Trying to find user for room control: <Toolbarbutton z_cq_7aq1>
Found Row: <Row z_cq_t6q1>
Index of row in rows: -1
Trying to find by row parent
Index of row in row parent: 2

So now the tbb is not a member of the rows of the grid I've got a final reference to, but it still seems to have a Rows as a parent.


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answered 2010-11-22 19:33:33 +0800

SimonPai gravatar image SimonPai
1696 1

Hi dastultz,

From your description it's hard to draw a conclusion at the first glance. One of my guess is that there is a timing where the Row is somehow detached from the Rows, but I could be wrong.

To work around, maybe you can try to use Row#setValue() or component attribute to keep the index information on the Row, so you don't need to count for the index from Rows?


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answered 2010-11-29 10:36:34 +0800

dastultz gravatar image dastultz
797 9

That's an interesting idea, I'll give it a try.



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Asked: 2010-11-12 11:20:04 +0800

Seen: 307 times

Last updated: Nov 29 '10

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