My WebApp with ZK is very slow and ZK button doesn't work in IE8 and IE9

asked 2010-10-28 00:47:06 +0800

likigoldenstar gravatar image likigoldenstar

Hi, everybody!

I have a terrible problem in developement and depoly.
Problem is that button doesn't work in IE8, IE9 and my app is very slow, so that user can never use.

But I don't know what the problem is.....

I think the problem is wrong usage of ZK.

How can I find and fix this problem? How about your opinion?
Would you like to give me your idea to solve this problem?

my web app is http://staging.savanza.com

Thanks for your attention.

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11 Replies

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answered 2010-10-28 04:06:38 +0800

parisaki gravatar image parisaki

Hi likigoldenstar,

can you attach the zk.xml?


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answered 2010-10-28 07:43:16 +0800

caclark gravatar image caclark
1753 2 5

I clicked around the site and it didn't seem slow to me...

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answered 2010-10-28 09:46:54 +0800

parisaki gravatar image parisaki

What do you say? This site responds very slowly. Terribly Slow!!!

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answered 2010-10-28 09:46:59 +0800

likigoldenstar gravatar image likigoldenstar

Hi, Caclark

Problem is as following:
I am using Resin web server.
After deploying the source on the server and restarting server, it works(Button works in IE8, 9)
But in a while, button doesn't work in IE8,9.(Click event for button doesn't work)(in localhost, there is no problem, except speed is very slow)

In website, please click the left picture with [QUERO ME FORMAR] , then you can see the sign up page in IE 8,9.
Then you can see that sign in button doesn't work.

Server is fast one.

I think reason is my wrong ZK usage. such as zk configuration and coding(that's architecture)
I use resin server and spring with zk

please help me how to solve this problem~~~ In localhost, speed is very slow.

If you have checking tool or you know how to speed up, please help me.

Welcome for any opinions

Thanks for your attention.

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answered 2010-10-28 13:10:03 +0800

madruga0315 gravatar image madruga0315 flag of Brazil
937 2 12

Severe slowness is usually caused by jvm config. Xmx, heap size, GC tuning, etc, and not so tight related with ZK.

I've also clicked a few times on the site, and it's normal, nothing out of the ordinary.

Javamelody is a good tool for monitoring this kind of situation.

If you want more specific help, you'll have to show some code/config, like zk.xml, jvm config, some basic idea of how you use ZK to see if is wrong usage of ZK...

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answered 2010-10-28 14:07:17 +0800

caclark gravatar image caclark
1753 2 5

Yep, the "send" button on the signup page appears to do nothing. But, like madruga0315 said, "If you want more specific help, you'll have to show some code/config, like zk.xml, jvm config, some basic idea of how you use ZK to see if is wrong usage of ZK..." You'd never drive to the mechanic and say, "my other car at home doesn't go fast enough, can you tell me what's wrong?"

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answered 2010-10-28 14:14:17 +0800

caclark gravatar image caclark
1753 2 5

updated 2010-10-28 14:17:59 +0800

Using the Developer Tools in IE8, I see that the send button on the registration form has the disable attribute set....perhaps your validation routine that checks for password, captcha, etc. isn't working and turning that off???

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answered 2010-10-28 14:36:19 +0800

likigoldenstar gravatar image likigoldenstar

Hi, Send button works when checked "T&C" checkbox.
"Sign in" button doesn't work. After login, all buttons don't work in IE8,9

---- ------zk file --------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Created by ZK Studio

<!-- <timeout-uri>/timeout.zul</timeout-uri>--><!-- An empty URL can cause the browser to reload the same URL -->
<![CDATA[<script type="text/javascript">
/* top center align processing box */
zUtl.progressbox = function(id, msg, mask, icon) {
msg = "Loading Savanza ...";
if (mask && zk.Page.contained.length) {
for (var c = zk.Page.contained.length, e = zk.Page.contained[--c]; e; e = zk.Page.contained[--c]) {
if (!e._applyMask)
e._applyMask = new zk.eff.Mask({
id: e.uuid + "-mask",
message: msg,
anchor: e.$n()

if (mask)

var x = jq.innerX(), y = jq.innerY(),
style = ' style="left:'+x+'px;top:'+y+'px"',
idtxt = id + '-t',
idmsk = id + '-m',
html = '<div id="'+id+'"';
if (mask)
html += '><div id="' + idmsk + '" class="z-modal-mask"'+style+'></div';
html += '><div id="'+idtxt+'" class="z-loading"'+style
+'><div class="z-loading-indicator"><span class="z-loading-icon"></span> '
if (icon)
html += '<div class="' + icon + '"></div>';
jq(document.body).append(html + '</div>');
var $n = jq(id, zk),
n = $n[0],
$txt = jq(idtxt, zk);
if (mask)
n.z_mask = new zk.eff.FullMask({
mask: jq(idmsk, zk)[0],
zIndex: $txt.css('z-index') - 1

var txt = $txt[0],
st = txt.style;
st.left = jq.px((jq.innerWidth() - txt.offsetWidth) / 2 + x);
st.top = jq.px((jq.innerHeight() - txt.offsetHeight) / 2 + y);


<description>ThreadLocal Synchronization Listener


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answered 2010-10-29 07:22:15 +0800

madruga0315 gravatar image madruga0315 flag of Brazil
937 2 12

Apparently your zk.xml is fine.

Things that may be slowing down:

1. Jvm default settings uses few memory, thus using most of it real fast, then GC makes it slow down severely (and ZK + Spring are a little hungry for memory -¨my suggestion here is a minimal of 256 MB)
2. Databind for big zul files (data bind will iterate through the component tree doing reflection)

This slowness that you say, also happens on FF and GC? Because you only mentioned IE, then it might be some JS slowness due to IE JS interpreter.

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answered 2010-10-29 07:40:27 +0800

caclark gravatar image caclark
1753 2 5

Hi, Send button works when checked "T&C" checkbox. 

No, not in my IE8.0.6001.18702 build... I have every field filled out, every check box checked, the captcha value entered.
However, in my FF running on Ubuntu, I was able to create a new account right now.

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I'd start by removing all the stuff you added to zk.xml and stripping down the ZUL file to the bare minimum, make sure that works, and then start adding stuff back in.

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Asked: 2010-10-28 00:47:06 +0800

Seen: 967 times

Last updated: Nov 01 '10

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