ZK-CodeMirror released

asked 2010-10-20 11:53:32 +0800

mjablonski gravatar image mjablonski
1284 3 5

updated 2010-10-20 11:54:13 +0800


today I've released the first public version of CodeMirror for ZK.

CodeMirror is a JavaScript library by Marijn Haverbeke that can be used to create a relatively pleasant editor interface for code-like content - computer programs, HTML markup, and similar.

Download and sources of the project are located at: http://code.google.com/p/zk-codemirror

Online-demo is located at: http://www.jease.org/codemirror

Please feel free to ping me if you have questions or suggestions.

Have fun,

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15 Replies

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answered 2010-10-23 17:28:13 +0800

oberinspector gravatar image oberinspector
219 2 2

Hi Maik,

i converted the zk-codemirror to a maven project... you can retrieve it from my public svn repository: http://opensvn.empego.net/zk-codemirror/trunk/zk-codemirror
It's only left what is necessary to build the jar. Demo and sample code should probably be a separate demo application.

To provide it in the public maven repositories i found this introduction: http://nexus.sonatype.org/oss-repository-hosting.html ...so prbably the binaries could be uploaded to a sonatype repository, which will be synchronized with the public maven repositories. I will have a look at this tomorrow.

In my repository you can find also a zk filebrowser component working almost like the good old Windows file explorer. Thats where i want to use your zk-codemirror component to browse and edit files on the server.


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answered 2010-10-23 12:15:26 +0800

oberinspector gravatar image oberinspector
219 2 2

Hi Maik,
i can do the Maven integration for zk-codemirror. Don't know yet how to push it in the public maven repositories, but this is the second steps. Please add me to the developers of zk-codemirror and i can make the changes. The projects directory strucure will change since one big feature of maven is to have default places for code and resources. Probably we should make a branch for the maven version.

Maven is a very great tool to build and keep the dependencies in one place - the pom.xml. When you use eclipse you may want to try the m2eclipe plugin (and the m2eclipse-extras WTP plugin).

As a first step i will checkout the code and setup a maven projekt with this and provide it in my svn server. Probably tomorrow.


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answered 2010-10-23 03:14:46 +0800

mjablonski gravatar image mjablonski
1284 3 5

Hi Thomas,

I don't use Maven (nor have any fundamental experience with it). Maybe you like to contribute to ZK-CodeMirror by providing the necessary changes/procedures?

Cheers, Maik

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answered 2010-10-22 15:51:07 +0800

oberinspector gravatar image oberinspector
219 2 2

Very happy to see this!!! I was often asked to port my old codepress component to ZK 5, but... . The codemirror component looks much nicer.
Any plans to provide this in a mavan repository!?

thanks a lot!

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answered 2010-10-22 06:21:08 +0800

tmillsclare gravatar image tmillsclare
799 2 5 30

Great Maik! Good job it looks excellent thanks.

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Asked: 2010-10-20 11:53:32 +0800

Seen: 2,051 times

Last updated: Dec 16 '10

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