Listbox paging disappear

asked 2010-05-31 10:20:33 +0800

softteam gravatar image softteam
130 1 8

updated 2010-05-31 10:45:56 +0800

Hi all,

I have a Listbox with zul, when page to see more data and come to the last page of the page disappears me the option of paging, the same happens if I go back to the first page of the pagination. But if you resize the listhead reappears paging option. Any ideas?
I put a copy of zul if you can help. Thank you.

This only happens with Chrome, not IE or FF happens !!

<borderlayout id = "BLGeneral" onCreate='Clients.evalJavaScript("window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight), window.moveTo(0,0)");
DatosPagina.ObtenerDatosPagina(page, "_Seguimiento de tareas"); InicializaPagina();ActualizaFicheros()'>
	<north border="none" id="Norte" height = "45px"/>

	<west id="Izquierda" collapsible="true" splittable="true" title="_Tareas"
		width="25%"  border="none"> 
		<panel vflex = "1" >
			<panelchildren style="background:transparent;" vflex = "1" >				
				<tree id="TreeTareas" width="99%" vflex="1" onSelect="SeleccionaTree(self, ListBoxTares)">
						<treecol />

	<center border="none" id="Centro" autoscroll="true" hflex = "1" vflex = "1">
		<panel vflex = "1">
			<panelchildren >
				<!-- Panel informativo con los datos que a pulsado en la parte Izquierda -->
				<hbox pack="center" align="center" width="100%" style="margin-top:5px">
					<label id="LBTextoTree" sclass="TextoTitular" value="_Seguimiento de tareas"/>
				<listbox id="ListBoxTares" fixedLayout="true" mold="paging" pagingPosition="bottom"
					pageSize="10" width="99%" style="margin-top:4px; margin-left:6px;" vflex="1" onDoubleClick = "SeleccionaTarea()">
					<listhead sizable="true">
						<listheader id = "LHNumero" label= "_Numero" sort="auto" width="90px" align="right"/>
						<listheader id = "LHIdSisGes" label="_IdSisGes" sort="auto" width="100px" visible="false" />									
						<listheader id = "LHSistGestion" label="_Sist.Gestión" sort="auto"  width="200px"/>
						<listheader id = "LHIdAmbito" label="_IdAmbito" sort="auto" width="100px" visible="false" />
						<listheader id = "LHAmbito" label="_Ambito" sort="auto"  width="200px"/>
						<listheader id = "LHIdTipo" label="_IdTipo" sort="auto" width="100px" visible="false" />
						<listheader id = "LHTipo" label="_Tipo" sort="auto" width="165px" />
						<listheader id = "LHIdSubTipo" label="_IdSubtipo" sort="auto" width="100px" visible="false" />
						<listheader id = "LHSubTipo" label="_Sub Tipo" sort="auto" width="165px"/>
						<listheader id = "LHAsunto" label="_Asunto" sort="auto" width="225px"/>
						<listheader id = "LHDescEstadoTarea" label="_DescEstadoTarea" sort="auto" width="165px"/>
						<listheader id = "LHIdPrioridad" label="_IdPrioridad" sort="auto" width="100px" visible="false" />
						<listheader id = "LHPrioridad" label="_Prioridad" sort="auto" width="90px"/>
						<listheader id = "LHIdSolicitante" label="_IdSolicitante" sort="auto" width="100px" visible="false" />
						<listheader id = "LHSolicitante" label="_Solicitante" sort="auto" width="125px"/>
						<listheader id = "LHCreacion" label="_Creación" sort="auto" width="105px" />
						<listheader id = "LHIdCentroExplotacion" label="_IdCentroExplotacion" sort="auto" width="100px" visible="false" />
						<listheader id = "LHCentroExp" label="_Centro Expl." sort="auto" width="125px" />
						<listheader id = "LHIdArea" label="_IdArea" sort="auto" width="100px" visible="false" />
						<listheader id = "LHArea" label="_Area" sort="auto" width="70px"/>
						<listheader id = "LHIdSeccion" label="_IdSeccion" sort="auto" width="100px" visible="false" />
						<listheader id = "LHSeccion" label="_Sección" sort="auto" width="165px" />
						<listheader id = "LHIdTipoTarea" label="_IdTipoTarea" sort="auto" width="100px" visible="false" />
						<listheader id = "LHTipoTarea" label="_TipoTarea" sort="auto" width="165px" visible="false"/>
						<listheader id = "LHEstadoTarea" label="_EstadoTarea" sort="auto" width="165px" visible="false"/>						
				<div sclass="BotoneraListBox" style="margin-left:4px;" height="27px" width="99%">
					<toolbarbutton id="TBTConfScroll" label="_Configurar Vista" tooltiptext="_Modificar la vista actual"
			 		image="/recursos/img/Comunes/ConfigVista.png" onClick="ConfigurarVista(ListBoxTares)"/>				
					<toolbarbutton id="BTPasarExcel" label="_Excel" image="/recursos/img/Comunes/excel.png"
						tooltiptext="_Enviar a Hoja de cálculo" style="background:transparent"/>
					<toolbarbutton id="BTNuevaInc" label="_Nueva incidencia" image="/recursos/img/Comunes/Anadir.png" style="background:transparent">
						<attribute name="onClick">
					<toolbarbutton id="TBTNuevoProy" label="_Nuevo proyecto" image="/recursos/img/Comunes/Anadir.png" style="background:transparent">
						<attribute name="onClick">
					<toolbarbutton id="TBTNuevoIncLab" label="_Nuevo incidente laboral" image="/recursos/img/Comunes/Anadir.png" style="background:transparent">
						<attribute name="onClick">
					<toolbarbutton id="TBTNuevaSol" label="_Nueva solicitud" image="/recursos/img/Comunes/Anadir.png" style="background:transparent">
						<attribute name="onClick">
	<south border="none" style="padding-top:10px;" >
		<panel id="PanelPie" Framable="true" >
			<panelchildren id="PanelHerramientas" style="margin-bottom:2px" >

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answered 2010-05-31 19:45:44 +0800

jumperchen gravatar image jumperchen
3909 2 8
http://jumperchen.blogspo... ZK Team

Please provide a runnable example.


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answered 2010-06-01 10:27:49 +0800

softteam gravatar image softteam
130 1 8

Hi jumperchen,

I tried an example in a new project with dynamic loading of rows and working properly (with identical statement of resources). I've done more tests and I managed to fix the problem by adding the property "vflex = 1" in the panelchildren of center border. It's funny because the problem only happened in Chrome, and apparently not always. At first this seems to work well. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.

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Asked: 2010-05-31 10:20:33 +0800

Seen: 322 times

Last updated: Jun 01 '10

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