Calendar component's Sat and Sun in Day Of Week displayed as RED

asked 2010-04-16 01:46:16 +0800

baskaraninfo gravatar image baskaraninfo
536 2 2 9

As default, Calendar component's Sat and Sun in Day Of Week displayed as RED!

I need to change it to some other color.

I have tried on customizing CSS using firebug. But, I can't able to change any other color.

Any help to change the color is appreciated.

Thank you.

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9 Replies

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answered 2010-07-20 20:43:31 +0800

samchuang gravatar image samchuang
4084 4


after zk5.0.3, you can use Renderer to do it

<?page title="new page title" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"?>
zk.afterLoad('zul.db', function(){
	zul.db.Renderer.cellHTML = function (cal, y, m, day, monthofs) {
		return '<a href="javascript:;" style="color:red;">' + day + '</a>';
<calendar id="cal">

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answered 2010-07-16 11:36:55 +0800

mguilherme gravatar image mguilherme
132 3

This is great but assuming I need to change to green some days, how do you achieve this?

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answered 2010-05-01 04:18:28 +0800

Bobzk gravatar image Bobzk
444 1 8

Many thanks.

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answered 2010-04-30 05:06:21 +0800

samchuang gravatar image samchuang
4084 4


onBind event in the ZK client side, means Dom element is ready for use

so after onBind event, you could try to get the dom element in the html

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answered 2010-04-29 03:08:19 +0800

Bobzk gravatar image Bobzk
444 1 8

Would anyone like to point me to documentation on "onBind". Googling it, reading Client Side Programming or searching in any ZK/Jquery manual seems to come up blank.

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answered 2010-04-29 01:59:01 +0800

baskaraninfo gravatar image baskaraninfo
536 2 2 9

Thank you, Samchuang :)

I will refer Client Side Programming, which seems as a must for our project.

Thanks for showing the right direction.

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answered 2010-04-26 22:07:15 +0800

samchuang gravatar image samchuang
4084 4

updated 2010-04-26 22:08:13 +0800


you could write client side event, please refer to Client Side Programming

<?page title="new page title" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"?>
<zk xmlns:w="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zk/client">
	<attribute w:name="onBind">
		var days = this.$n('mid'),
			$week = jq(days.firstChild).children('.z-calendar-caldow');
		$week.children(':first-child').css('color', '');
		$week.children(':last-child').css('color', '');

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answered 2010-04-22 01:11:07 +0800

baskaraninfo gravatar image baskaraninfo
536 2 2 9

updated 2010-04-22 01:12:09 +0800

Sorry for the confusion. Please refer the following link:


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answered 2010-04-18 20:23:07 +0800

samchuang gravatar image samchuang
4084 4


which part in Calendar displayed as Red, does it happen some where in Calendar demo ??

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Asked: 2010-04-16 01:46:16 +0800

Seen: 993 times

Last updated: Jul 20 '10

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