displaying data in chart

asked 2009-05-28 12:04:46 +0800

soumaya gravatar image soumaya
99 1


I am having trouble to display ALL data into a chart.

Here is the code that I am using in the zul file
<chart id="timeseries" title="mytitle" width="600" height="500" type="time_series" threeD="false" fgAlpha="128" />
<zscript>XYModel xymodel = new SimpleXYModel();

Here is the java code that I am using to draw a chart:
Chart timeseries = (Chart) getFellow("ctWnd").getFellow("timeseries");
xymodel.addValue("mytitle", getData().getTime(),getpos());

But the chart doesn't diplsay ALL THE getTime() data

Could you please tell me how to fix it.

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answered 2009-06-01 01:35:52 +0800

PeterKuo gravatar image PeterKuo
481 2

updated 2009-06-01 01:36:48 +0800

I can't see any problem from your provided sample code.
Can you provide reduced but reproducible code?


You may try to add data to model first, and then call setModel().
But according to the doc, it should not affect the result.
Maybe it's a bug of live data. You may update to latest ZK version and try again.

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Asked: 2009-05-28 12:04:46 +0800

Seen: 243 times

Last updated: Jun 01 '09

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