timeline can't paint multiple events with same date in some cases

asked 2009-05-20 02:36:31 +0800

hawk gravatar image hawk
3250 1 5
http://hawkphoenix.blogsp... ZK Team

updated 2009-05-20 02:37:56 +0800

Hi, everyone here:
I have used timeline component for a while, I found that if we have several events with same date, timeline will NOT paint all of them if I use the following way:

1. set list model in public void doAfterCompose(Component comp)
Bandinfo dayBand;
ListModel events= new ListModelList(allEvents);

2.use annotation databinding
<timeline height="400px" width="100%" >
<bandinfo id="dayBand" width="60%" intervalUnit="day" intervalPixels="100" model="@{calendarComposer.events}"/>
<bandinfo id="monthBand" width="40%" intervalUnit="month" trackHeight="0.5" trackGap="0.2"
intervalPixels="500" syncWith="dayBand" showEventText="false">

but if you make Bandinfo object add occurevent one by one, the timeline will paint all events with the same date.
for (OccurEvent e:allEvents){

is this a bug or original design?
does anybody have similar experience?

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answered 2009-05-22 03:32:28 +0800

robbiecheng gravatar image robbiecheng
1144 2

not supported, please post it to feature-request.


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Asked: 2009-05-20 02:36:31 +0800

Seen: 139 times

Last updated: May 22 '09

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