JasperReports HTTP 410 error

asked 2009-02-24 19:23:31 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16

updated 2009-02-24 19:33:08 +0800

Hi all,

i have problems to run my first JasperReport under ZKoss.

ErrorMessage: HTTP 410

type Status report
HTTP 410 Failed to load /view/gglm/z_gl_8b/0/reports/AuftragDetailsPojo_Report.pdf 
Error retrieving field value from bean : auftrag.aufBezeichnung

description The requested resource (Failed to load 
/view/gglm/z_gl_8b/0/reports/AuftragDetailsPojo_Report.pdf Cause: 
Error retrieving field value from bean : auftrag.aufBezeichnung ) 
is no longer available, and no forwarding address is known.

Apache Tomcat/6.0.18


2009-02-24 20:31:30,421 DEBUG   OrderDialogCtrl M[onClick$btnPrintReportOrder] - --> [ForwardEvent onClick$btnPrintReportOrder <OrderDialogCtrl orderDialogWindow>]
2009-02-24 20:31:30,421 DEBUG   OrderDialogCtrl M - --> begin with printing
2009-02-24 20:31:30,515 DEBUG   JRBaseFiller M[<init>] - Fill 6350802: created for AuftragDetailsPojo_Report
2009-02-24 20:31:31,218 DEBUG   JRBaseFiller M - Fill 6350802: filling report
2009-02-24 20:31:31,234 DEBUG   JRBaseFiller M[<init>] - Fill 2423095: created for AuftragDetailsPojo_Report
2009-02-24 20:31:31,234 DEBUG   JRBaseFiller M - Fill 2423095: filling report

Must i configure something in the zk.xml???

any ideas are welcome

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12 Replies

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answered 2009-02-24 20:47:05 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16

updated 2009-02-24 21:32:22 +0800


it seems the filling of my report is false.
Can you explain me with wich JR-DataSource you fill the reports.
I work with hibernate at the backend. So i became java.util.List as resultSets.

public class AuftragDetails_Report {

	private static AuftragService auftragService;

	public static AuftragService getAuftragService() {
		if (auftragService == null) {
			auftragService = (AuftragService) SpringUtil.getBean("auftragService");
		return auftragService;

	public JRDataSource createBeanCollectionDatasource(Auftrag auftrag) {
		return new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(createBeanCollection(auftrag));

	public static Vector createBeanCollection(Auftrag auftrag) {

		java.util.Vector collection = new java.util.Vector();

      * This should gives back a single customers order with it's orderPositions.
      * The order object (auftrag) is overhanded by param.

		Kunde kunde = getAuftragService().getKundeForAuftrag(auftrag);
		List<Auftragposition> auftragposition = getAuftragService().getAuftragsPositionenByAuftrag(auftrag);


		return collection;

Is the JRBeanCollectionDataSource false for these usecase?


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answered 2009-02-25 00:18:02 +0800

YamilBracho gravatar image YamilBracho
1722 2

I have a similar problems some weeks ago.
I check my code and my jasper report definition and the problem was in my bean I have a Date field and in my jasper report I defined this field as TimeStamp. I changed to Date and everything works ok.
So check the definition between fields in your bean and definition of those fields in your jasper file.


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answered 2012-10-17 17:27:11 +0800

sjoshi gravatar image sjoshi flag of India
3493 1 8

Hi Stephan,
Can you please tell me what is Solution of above issue i am frusted from this problem same code working with other project with same jar but not working with my project. Can you please post some Help

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answered 2012-10-17 19:17:53 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16

updated 2012-10-17 19:20:58 +0800

Hmmmmm, sorry, very old stuff. I have changed to the DynamicJasper framework http://dynamicjasper.com/. It allows coding Jasper reports in pure java.
You can see a SampleReports in Zksample2
i.e. folder: zkoss\src\main\java\de\forsthaus\webui\order\report\OrderDJReport.java

sorry and best

PS: seems like a false 'setter' in my case in the starting thread..

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answered 2012-10-18 01:45:51 +0800

sjoshi gravatar image sjoshi flag of India
3493 1 8

Thanks Stephen,
So you suggesting me to use Dynamic Jasper report rather than Manually Creating i will try it also If you will get time please check this Issue Here.

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answered 2012-10-18 06:19:26 +0800

sjoshi gravatar image sjoshi flag of India
3493 1 8

updated 2012-10-18 06:20:29 +0800

I found the issue in my Build path i am using the


That was the cause of above exception i updated with


and my code worked fine.

But How can we open in model window i do not know it is giving download option rather than opening into modelwindow.

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answered 2012-10-18 07:26:21 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16

Look at the report code that i mention. This is a skeleton who opens a modal window. In it the report is shown.

-> iFrame
---> AMedia
-----> Report


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answered 2012-10-18 07:40:45 +0800

sjoshi gravatar image sjoshi flag of India
3493 1 8

Hi Stephen ,
Thanks for your reply i have issue with IE only other browser able to show me report in model Window but in IE9 Model Window is blank and Ie telling me to download the report? Can you please let me know its Browser issue or ZK Issue with IE.

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answered 2012-10-18 07:58:36 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16

updated 2012-10-18 07:59:44 +0800

i don't know that.

Have a try with my skeleton and only modify the constructor and the doprint() method with your jasper code for generating the report and give it to the aMedia component.


PS: you should write modal not mod'e'l window. It confuses others.

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answered 2012-10-18 08:00:47 +0800

sjoshi gravatar image sjoshi flag of India
3493 1 8

Current Code...

	public void dynamicJaserReport() throws JRException {

		Window win = (Window) Executions.createComponents("/core/report/report.zul", null, null);
		List<CustomBean> customList = new ArrayList<CustomBean>();
		customList.add(new CustomBean("Delhi", 1, "Hariom", "GHaziabd"));
		customList.add(new CustomBean("Delhi1", 2, "Hariom", "GHaziabd"));
		customList.add(new CustomBean("Delhi2", 3, "Hariom", "GHaziabd"));
		customList.add(new CustomBean("Delhi3", 4, "Hariom", "GHaziabd"));
		customList.add(new CustomBean("Delhi4", 5, "Hariom", "GHaziabd"));
		customList.add(new CustomBean("Delhi5", 6, "Hariom", "GHaziabd"));
		customList.add(new CustomBean("Delhi6", 7, "Hariom", "GHaziabd"));

		FastReportBuilder drb = new FastReportBuilder();
		DynamicReport dr = null;
		try {
			dr = drb.addColumn("City", "city", String.class.getName(), 30).addColumn("Name", "name", String.class.getName(), 30)
					.addColumn("Street", "street", String.class.getName(), 50).addColumn("Id", "id", Integer.class.getName(), 50).addGroups(2)
					.setTitle("Amanda Tests report").setSubtitle("This report was generated at " + new Date()).setPrintBackgroundOnOddRows(true)
		} catch (ColumnBuilderException e1) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block

		JRDataSource ds = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(customList);
		JasperReport report = DynamicJasperHelper.generateJasperReport(dr, new ClassicLayoutManager(), new HashMap());

		String OutputFormat = "PDF";

		ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
		JasperPrint jasperPrint = jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, new HashMap(), ds);

		if (OutputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("PDF")) {
			JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(jasperPrint, output);
			ByteArrayInputStream mediais = new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray());
			AMedia amedia = new AMedia("FirstReport.pdf", "pdf", "application/pdf", mediais);
			Iframe frame = (Iframe) win.getFellow("reportframe");



Which not not opening Report in ModelWindow (In IE only)

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Asked: 2009-02-24 19:23:31 +0800

Seen: 698 times

Last updated: Oct 18 '12

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