Problem with language properties

asked 2009-01-24 09:15:42 +0800

HananW gravatar image HananW
160 2

I am using ZK 3.5.2 and JBoss 4.0.2.

I changed the JBoss command to include: -Dfile.encoding=windows-1255 (for the Hebrew language), unfortunately it did not solve the problem and the language resources was not loaded correctly (it used UTF-8 to parse the properties file).

To solve the problem I modified the Maps class to use the default character set if it did not received any (that is the case when loading language properties - it always pass null to the character set parameter) as followed:

	public final static void load(Map map, InputStream sm, String charset,
	boolean caseInsensitive) throws IOException {
		final PushbackInputStream pis = new PushbackInputStream(sm, 3);
		if (charset == null || charset.startsWith("UTF")) {
			final byte[] ahead = new byte[3];
			int n = pis.read(ahead);
			if (n >= 2
			&& ((ahead[0] == (byte)0xfe && ahead[1] == (byte)0xff)
				|| (ahead[0] == (byte)0xff && ahead[1] == (byte)0xfe))) {
				charset = "UTF-16";
				//don't eat UTF-16 BOM, since Java use it to know endian
			} else if (n == 3 && ahead[0] == (byte)0xef
			&& ahead[1] == (byte)0xbb && ahead[2] == (byte)0xbf) {
				charset = "UTF-8";
				n = 0; //eat UTF-8 BOM since Java won't handle it
			} else if (charset == null) {
				// original line: charset = "UTF-8";
				charset = java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset().displayName();
			if (n > 0)
				pis.unread(ahead, 0, n);


I do not know if this is a bug or there is another way to do it.


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4 Replies

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answered 2009-01-29 16:17:52 +0800

henrichen gravatar image henrichen
3869 2
ZK Team

Please post to ZK Bugs. We will discuss this case there.

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answered 2009-01-29 19:47:46 +0800

HananW gravatar image HananW
160 2

Ok, Done.

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answered 2009-02-20 09:07:42 +0800

RyanWu gravatar image RyanWu
533 2

Hi HananW,
This is the way you use to get the charset,

charset = java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset().displayName();

Obviously you do set the encoding and you can't get it.
So the problem is cause by JBoss' setting and maybe you can find some solution from their forum discussion.

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answered 2009-02-22 23:50:29 +0800

HananW gravatar image HananW
160 2

Hi Ryan,

I do not think the problem in with JBoss, since if you look at my message you will see that only after I Added the code you suggested to a ZK class thing start to work.
So my logic is that if I had to change a ZK class one of two possibilities exists:
1. There is a bug in ZK (and not in JBoss).
2. There is a different way to do what I wanted.

Since I did not see any other way, it seems to me that this is a ZK bug.


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Asked: 2009-01-24 09:15:42 +0800

Seen: 173 times

Last updated: Feb 22 '09

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