Zk multiplecomposer using Spring use composer variable in zul

asked 2018-01-10 05:05:54 +0800

javiut gravatar image javiut flag of Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
90 1 5

I have a view using a composer which has inside 5 columnChildren each one are the parentComponent of a macroComponent which also uses a composer.

MyView.zul which has 5 columnChildrens

<window id="win" apply='com.MyComposerController'>
<portallayout maximizedMode="whole">
    <portalchildren style="padding:5px" width="50%">
        <panel sclass="innerPanel" title="${c:l('zul.m.zeus.ac.001')}" border="normal">
                    <columnchildren id='columnChildrenForInfo'/><!-PARENT FOR THE MACROURI TEMPLATE->
        <panel sclass="innerPanel" title="${c:l('zul.m.zeus.ac.005')}" border="normal">
                    <columnchildren id='columnChildrenForPetition'/><!-PARENT FOR THE MACROURI TEMPLATE->
        <panel sclass="innerPanel" title="${c:l('zul.m.zeus.ac.009')}" border="normal">
                    <columnchildren id='columnChildrenForErrors'/><!-PARENT FOR THE MACROURI TEMPLATE->
    <portalchildren style="padding:5px" width="50%">
        <panel sclass="innerPanel" title="${c:l('zul.m.zeus.ac.013')}" border="normal">
                    <columnchildren id='columnChildrenForEsperaNoAtendidos'/><!-PARENT FOR THE MACROURI TEMPLATE->
        <panel sclass="innerPanel" title="${c:l('zul.m.zeus.ac.018')}" border="normal">
                    <columnchildren id='columnChildrenForDocs'/><!-PARENT FOR THE MACROURI TEMPLATE->


Latter i create in each columnChildren the following macroUri template MyViewDetail.zul

<listbox id="results" style="margin-right:5px;margin-top:5px;margin-left:5px">

<template name="model">                                                     
<listitem onClick='$composer.listitemOnClick(event);'>

this macroComponent is mapped in lang-addon.xml like this


Also the detail composer is a string bean which i retrieve like this

<bean id="composerDetailControllerBean" class="...." autowire="byName" scope="prototype"/>

I bind it like this.

    final DetailController composerDetailControllerBean = (DetailController)SpringUtil.getBean("composerDetailControllerBean");//EXTRACT IT FROM SPRING CONTAINER
    composerDetailControllerBean.setParent(columnChildren);//EACH DETAIL CONTROLLER HAS A COLUMN CHILDREN AS A PARENT
    detail.inicializa();//SOME BUSINESS LOGIC

Everything is working like a charm but i had a problem as you can see in the template there is a listitem which doesn't have a id because if i put a id a NONUNIQUEIDINSPACE exception is thrown but i need to listen the onClick method on it i have try the following


But the composer variables points it to the first composer i mean the MyView.zul composer and i have the method and the Business logic in the template composer DetailController but as i dont do this

<div id="compA" apply="some.package.ComposerA">
   <div id="compB" apply="some.package.ComposerB"/> i dont use apply in the detailComposer i bind it through lang-addon.xml file

<div apply="some.package.ComposerA">
   <custom-attributes composerName="myCompA"/>i dont use apply in the detailComposer i bind it through lang-addon.xml file i cannot use customAttributes

I mean i dont set a explicit name to the detail composer and i dont know how to referred it to it in the zul code

i cannot map the composer name to a variable the only thing i did was this try to set a composerName using custom-attributes trying to accomplish the custom-name by custom-attributes aforementioned

lang-addon.xml file



Trying to map the custom attribute-name in the lang-addOn and use it in the zul but without success.

I get Caused by: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: $composerDetail.listitemOnClick(event);'' : Attempt to resolve method: listitemOnClick() on undefined variable or class name: $composerDetail : at Line: 14 : in file: inline evaluation of: $composerDetail.listitemOnClick(event);'' : $composerDetail .listitemOnClick ( event )

I also try this in the MyViewDetail.zul

    <custom-attributes composerName="composerDetail"/>

But not works neither.

In resume i dont know to set a name to the detailComposer and i cannot use it in the MyViewDetail.zul

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-01-10 16:03:56 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000
6280 2 7

I can't really follow your explanations... and maybe I don't have to. I think you are trying to solve a problem that shouldn't be there in the first place.

Wiring a listener to dynamically created items such as listitems is best done using event-forwarding to a non dynamic component such as the surrounding listbox.

<listbox id="results" style="margin-right:5px;margin-top:5px;margin-left:5px">
   <template name="model">                                                     
      <!-- don't to this, this is zscript/beanshell -->
      <!-- <listitem onClick='$composer.listitemOnClick(event);'> -->
      <!-- use event forwarding -->
      <listitem forward='onClick=results.onListitemClick'>

Then in your composer you can easily bind an event listener to the results listbox:

public void listitemOnClick(ForwardEvent event) {
    //get the original MouseEvent and click target
    MouseEvent me = (MouseEvent) event.getOrigin();
    Listitem listitem = me.getTarget();

I think that should avoid the complications you are encountering.


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Asked: 2018-01-10 05:05:54 +0800

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Jan 10 '18

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