Tooltips for the buttons in paging in grid

asked 2017-12-13 22:13:52 +0800

Rish gravatar image Rish
101 2

updated 2017-12-15 01:34:49 +0800

Hello, folks!

It is possible to add tooltips to the buttons in paging in grid?

In fact, I've managed to add them at the moment the page in loaded. But they disapear after navigating by paging. That is an auto paging with mold "paging" in grid. Should I place <paging> in zul and rewrite paging work to add tooltips on onPaging event?

I also don't want to show paging when elements fit in one page.

public void afterCompose(@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component view) {
    // ...

def tunePagingTooltips() {
    def script = "setTimeout(function(){\$(\".z-paging-prev\").attr(\"title\",\"Previous page\");\n" +
            "      \$(\".z-paging-next\").attr(\"title\",\"Next page\");\n" +
            "      \$(\".z-paging-first\").attr(\"title\",\"First page\");\n" +
            "      \$(\".z-paging-last\").attr(\"title\",\"Last page\");\n" +
            "      msgzk.GOTO_ERROR_FIELD=\"Close\" \n" +
            "      \$(\".z-paging-inp\").attr(\"title\",\"Enter page number\");}, 100);"

Thanks in advance.

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2 Answers

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answered 2017-12-14 10:26:48 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000
6280 2 7

updated 2017-12-14 10:28:01 +0800

about automatically hiding the paging control:

This is enabled by default. If you disabled it globally you can set a custom attribute inside the grid component to enable/disable it for a single grid:

example: http://zkfiddle.org/sample/3g34pf9/2-autohide-paging

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answered 2017-12-14 10:55:02 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000
6280 2 7

you can access the auto created paging component via grid.getPagingChild())

The you can add a client side widgetListener "onBind" to execute a script always when this widget is recreated (e.g. after paging)

As demonstrated in this zkfiddle example Please note this example uses the CSS classes for ZK 7+ as you tagged this question as 7.0.2 (e.g. .z-paging-prev was renamed to .z-paging-previous since ZK 7)

Please always be precise when posting questions.

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Thank you very much for both your answers! The given example worked fine.

I also pointed wrong version, it is 7.0.0 actually. I've updated my post, thank you again.

As for the attribute it is '.z-paging-previous' in my listbox but it is '.z-paging-prev' in my grid.

Rish ( 2017-12-15 01:57:48 +0800 )edit
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Asked: 2017-12-13 22:13:52 +0800

Seen: 12 times

Last updated: Dec 15 '17

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