Render and binding with command global-command

asked 2017-08-10 16:35:02 +0800

ajamardo gravatar image ajamardo
41 4

I have this in my template <apply selected="@bind(vmApp.selected)" templateURI="/app/thg/equipments/equipments/EquipmentClass.zul" /

And then, in a button, I have:

<button zclass="z-button-list" label="Change" disabled="@load(empty vmApp.type or vmApp.upserting)" onClick="@command('update') @global-command('update')" />

Where the command update makes the vmApp.selected to change, and the global-command set some variables in the template. My problem is that the template is rendered after the global-command is executed. IS there any way to do this?

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I don't quite understand the scenario. Please provide a running example on https://zkfiddle.org. This will help to get a useful answer quickly.

cor3000 ( 2017-08-11 03:19:22 +0800 )edit

Hi again. I reused the fiddle you sent me for this. In this fiddle, when you click in 'load' button, it should show the textbox with disabled=true, but it doesn't http://zkfiddle.org/sample/3s936ku/11-Bind-command-and-global-command

ajamardo ( 2017-08-11 06:32:43 +0800 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2017-08-11 07:37:00 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000
6280 2 7

updated 2017-08-11 07:40:27 +0800

I updated the fiddle example following the same pattern, pass in a parameter edit="@load(outerVM.edit)" and use it in the InnerVM


Once you reach a stage where you think you have too many parameters passed into the template you can just send a more complex object containing both the object to show/edit and additional flags like editable, showDetails ...

global-commands just make your application hard to follow especially in this case where one ViewModel triggers creation of a nested ViewModel ... using parameters feels more natural just like calling a method with arguments -> call a template with parameters.

global commands should be used rarely to send commands between otherwise unrelated parts of your UI

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Asked: 2017-08-10 16:35:02 +0800

Seen: 25 times

Last updated: Aug 11 '17

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