
asked 2007-03-20 17:59:10 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

Orignial message at:

By: amrisofien

when use other type of file then zul or zhtml ( in other project).

first, t use this exp:

<form action="/updateProfile" xmlns:x="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul">
<td>Firt Name</td>
<td><input type="text" name="firstName" value="a1"/></td>
<td>Last Name</td>
<td><input type="text" name="lastName" value="a2"/></td>

<td><x:combobox name="title" value="cc"/></td>
<x:listbox name="role">
<x:listitem value="1"
selected="ss" label="Determine need"/>
<x:listitem value="2"
selected="ss" label="Evaluate products/sesrvices"/>
<x:listitem value="3"
selected="ss" label="Recommend products/sesrvices"/> </x:listbox>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="Update"/>
<input type="reset"/>

but the result page give me the interface without ajax. that wants to say that this line:


is desable.

what is the problem.

thank you


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5 Replies

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answered 2011-09-20 03:07:42 +0800

dagarwal82 gravatar image dagarwal82
246 4

Hey Ram,

Any luck with that ?

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answered 2010-08-15 12:03:32 +0800

ramsnaps gravatar image ramsnaps

updated 2010-08-15 12:04:28 +0800


Were you able to integrate ZK with ftl in ofBiz? I would like to re-use ofBiz's decorator screens with header, menu and footer and use ZUL for only body/content.

i.e. I would like to <include src="/party/editPosMenu.zul"/> in an ftl file and have ofBiz render ZUL files.

I would like to incluse ZUL file in say partyscreens.xml file as below.

   <screen name="ViewDevices">
                <set field="titleProperty" value="ViewTerminals"/>
                <set field="tabButtonItem" value="TerminalDetails"/>
                <set field="headerItem" value="find"/>
                <script location="component://party/webapp/partymgr/WEB-INF/actions/party/viewDevices.bsh"/>
                <script location="component://party/webapp/partymgr/WEB-INF/actions/party/setPartyAttributes.bsh"/>
                <decorator-screen name="TerminalCommonPartyDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
                    <decorator-section name="body">

                        <platform-specific><b >
                            <b ><html>
                                     <html-template location="component://party/webapp/partymgr/party/viewPosMenu.zul"/>

Can you please let me know if possible.

Thanks a bunch!

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answered 2007-03-21 10:43:27 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

Orignial message at:

By: michel-2

i find this in the controller.xml file ( into the project).

<site-conf xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

perhaps this is the problem.


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answered 2007-03-21 09:25:25 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

Orignial message at:

By: amrisofien

i start ( a the beginig) with .zk, or .ftl file extention, but there is not ajax appearance.

I must you specify that I tested this example in a simple project ( simple tomcat and the necessar .jar of zk), and no problem.
but in another project which uses others frameworks, the posting of ajax is stopped ( wen it arrive to the namesapces ajax, stopped).

thank you.


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answered 2007-03-21 03:25:58 +0800

admin gravatar image admin
18691 1 10 130
ZK Team

Orignial message at:

By: robbiecheng

Try to change file extention from .html to .zhtml or ZK loader won't catch this page.


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Asked: 2007-03-20 17:59:10 +0800

Seen: 300 times

Last updated: Sep 20 '11

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