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answered 2014-08-07 08:23:00 +0800

chillworld gravatar image chillworld flag of Belgium

Oke, did some searching on Zk doc's and found this.

SimpleTreeModel and SimpleTreeNode are removed

The org.zkoss.zul.SimpleTreeModel and org.zkoss.zul.SimpleTreeNode classes are removed[1], and replaced with DefaultTreeModel and DefaultTreeNode.

Oke, did some searching on Zk doc's and found this.

SimpleTreeModel and SimpleTreeNode are removed

The org.zkoss.zul.SimpleTreeModel and org.zkoss.zul.SimpleTreeNode classes are removed[1], removed, and replaced with DefaultTreeModel and DefaultTreeNode.

Oke, did some searching on Zk doc's and found this.

SimpleTreeModel and SimpleTreeNode are removed

The org.zkoss.zul.SimpleTreeModel and org.zkoss.zul.SimpleTreeNode classes are removed, and replaced with DefaultTreeModel and DefaultTreeNode.

Hope this can help you.

Greetz chill.

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