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answered 2014-01-24 19:43:28 +0800

sitansu gravatar image sitansu

@Command :ViewModel's Command is like an event handler, we can bind an event to a Command. The binding between events and a command is what we call "Event-Command Binding". Before establish this binding, we have to declare a Command with its name in a ViewModel. Be careful that command names in a ViewModel cannot be duplicated, or it will cause run-time exception.

@NotifyChange("*"):To notify binder one or more properties change.

@Command :ViewModel's Command is like an event handler, we can bind an event to a Command. The binding between events and a command is what we call "Event-Command Binding". Before establish this binding, we have to declare a Command with its name in a ViewModel. Be careful that command names in a ViewModel cannot be duplicated, or it will cause run-time exception.

@NotifyChange("*"):To notify binder one or more properties change.

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