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answered 2013-05-20 12:49:20 +0800

benbai gravatar image benbai

Yes, I just describe the reason.

For your requirement, I probably will try to solve it with widget override instead of css selector,

e.g., override the bind_ function of widget as below:

bind_: function (a, b, c) {
    this.$bind_(a, b, c); // or _wgt.bind_.apply(this, arguments); whatever...
    // probably detect widget class as needed
    var head;
    if (head = this.$n('head')) {
        jq(head).css(...); // apply style as needed

Since I think the naming rule is more reliable than selector.

Yes, I just describe the reason.

For your requirement, I probably will try to solve it with widget override instead of css selector,

e.g., override the bind_ function of widget as below:

bind_: function (a, b, c) {
    this.$bind_(a, b, c); // or _wgt.bind_.apply(this, arguments); whatever...
    // probably detect widget class as needed
    var head;
    if (head = this.$n('head')) {
        jq(head).css(...); // apply style as needed

Since I think the naming rule of element in widget is more reliable than selector.

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