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answered 2011-07-11 12:45:58 +0800

valmar gravatar image valmar

Hmm... the "demo" in works now after simply calling setData(...) on the node but in my "real" project I still get the same old exception after doing the change.

org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException: Not a child: <Treeitem null>
    at org.zkoss.zul.Tree.addItemToSelection(
    at org.zkoss.zul.Tree$Renderer.render(
    at org.zkoss.zul.Tree$Renderer.access$800(
    at org.zkoss.zul.Tree.renderChangedItem(
    at org.zkoss.zul.Tree.onTreeDataContentChange(
    at org.zkoss.zul.Tree.onTreeDataChange(
    at org.zkoss.zul.Tree.access$400(
    at org.zkoss.zul.Tree$4.onChange(
    at org.zkoss.zul.AbstractTreeModel.fireEvent(
    at org.zkoss.zul.DefaultTreeNode.setData(

So, I guess the mistake is somewhere in my code but I just cannot find it..

Gsim, One thing I noticed about the code you posted:

public void addItemToSelection(Treeitem item) {
    if (item.getTree() != this)
        throw new UiException("Not a child: "+item);

The exception says: Not a child: <treeitem **null**="">

What exactly is the term "null" refering to at this point? The item itself cannot be null. So, what's null then?

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