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answered 2011-04-13 08:50:48 +0800

dark1sun gravatar image dark1sun

yes it leaks, and the gui does not work properly. I just find out that the database file is created and it grows in size after I add an event.

i made everything according to the wiki, except db4o side.

I have a theory, maybe there's a conflict or something between :

org.zkoss.zk.ui.http.HttpSessionListener and my "Db4oServletContextListener" servlet which implements "javax.servlet.ServletContextListener", Cause i tried to make a log text using "ServletContextEvent" but i didn't get anything.

I even removed attributes of <web-app> tag hoping to make any difference. but nothing happend.

oh God, it's more than a week I'm dealing with this issue, and still no result.

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