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answered 2011-01-27 03:58:47 +0800

cvarona gravatar image cvarona

Hi Peter,

it's a huge and ugly example (I've had to stripe it off lots of things which cannot be made available via a forum) but here it is:

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                                <tabpanel >
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                                        <columns  sizable="true">
                                            <column  label="Num Proveedor"/>
                                            <column  label="Nombre Comercial"/>
                                            <column  label="Fecha D"/>
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                                            <column  label="Estado"/>
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                                    <tree     sizedByContent="false" />
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                                            <listheader  label="F. Formalizaci&#243;n"   width="100.0px"/>
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                                            <listheader  label="Compra"   width="100.0px"/>
                                            <listheader  label="Tasa Dto."   width="100.0px"/>
                                    <separator bar="false" />
                                    <button  label="Listar m&#225;s Operaciones" mold="trendy"/>
                                <tabpanel >
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                                            <listheader  label="Cliente"  />
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                                    <button  label="Listar m&#225;s Incidencias" mold="trendy"/>
                <row >
                    <cell align="right" >
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This form never ends up loading. Not all our forms displaying the 'eheadtbl undefined' error behave like that. Others certainly do get loaded, but they're just unusable upon doing so (for instance, the top coloured buttons wouldn't work, neither would the window's close button).

I hope this helps.

With kind regards

César Varona

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