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answered 2010-10-24 03:51:44 +0800

oberinspector gravatar image oberinspector

while supporting maik to provide his zk-codemirror component in maven central i found some introductions which might help and motivate you to put the CE edition to maven central. Only projects hosted at approved forges are synchronized to maven central: guide-central-repository-upload.html

What about to upload ZK-CE poms and jars to the sonatype forge!? Sonatype+OSS+Maven+Repository+Usage+Guide [a href=""]Uploading+3rd-party+Artifacts+to+Maven+Central[/a]

Providing additional opensource ZK components in maven central becomes difficult since it is strictly not recomendet to upload pom that refer to special repositories: why-putting-repositories-in-your-poms-is-a-bad-idea/ [a href=""]why-external-repos-are-being-phased-out-of-central/[/a]

I have a set of nice zk components in the queue which i want to release as opensource components and - since i'm a mavan fan - also provide in maven central. - A windows ecplorer like filebrowser - A filebrowser Tree/Treeitem component - A file breadcrumb control - An Ul/LI based sitenavigation component ...

And i agreed to support maik to provide his zk-codemirror component in maven central.


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