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answered 2010-03-15 04:48:02 +0800

rotkad gravatar image rotkad

Hi, I tried to use a tabbox solution but it doesn't work for me. I created MyTabbox class: (this is tabboxes in each tabs, but it's not the point)

public class MyTabbox extends Tabbox{ public void setCourseData(List<chapter> data){ Tabs tabs = new Tabs(); Tabpanels tabpanels = new Tabpanels(); if(data!=null){ for(Chapter tabname : data){ Tab tab = new Tab(tabname.getTitle()); tabs.appendChild(tab);
Tabbox tabbox2 = new Tabbox(); Tabs tabs2 = new Tabs(); Tabpanels tabpanels2 = new Tabpanels(); for(Lesson l : tabname.getLessons()){ Tab tab2 = new Tab(l.getTitle()); tabs2.appendChild(tab2); Tabpanel tabpanel2 = new Tabpanel(); tabpanels2.appendChild(tabpanel2); } Tabpanel tabpanel = new Tabpanel(); tabpanel.appendChild(tabbox2); tabpanels.appendChild(tabpanel); } } } }

and I want to use it in zul file: <zscript> List list = ....... //what here if I want it created during application is runnig? The above solution is static. </zscript>

<tabbox use="mypackage.MyTabbox" coursedata="${list}"> what am I missing if ${list} should be created dynamically after users choice.

Problem solved

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