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answered 2010-01-22 02:30:44 +0800

xmedeko gravatar image xmedeko


Hi Tom,

I use JBoss tool in Eclipse to redeploy my web app. This tool just makes a simple file copy. The problem remains also when I redeploy my web app manually. I use exploded deployment. to reproduce the bug, try: 1. copy exploded deployment, 2. run the app (point browses to the proper url) 3. delete the deployment 4. repeat 1. - 3. few times

Maybe the problem is caused by this?

Probem with static ThreadLocal (ZK uses that): - - [a href=""][/a] Problem with inner classes and ThreadLocal:

How to clean ThreadLocals in a servlet:

My heap dump is at: (206MB, will be deleted later).

I just have started Eclipse MAT and used the function: "Duplicate Classes: Detect classes loaded by multiple class loaders."

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