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initial version

answered 2009-11-11 08:59:49 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany

Hi scerro,

There is a jar in the lib folder called Plomo.jar . This is the grey theme. It was created from a forum user here. But there are errors in it like double separators. I have 3 times played with the zkThemer but all times i have not get it to run to see an other theme :-(

Next release (next week) is a full refactoring with: 1. Spring-managed frontend . (At time only the backend is spring-managed) 2. Method securing with Spring Annotations like (@Secured({"myMethodRight"}) or @Secured({"Administrator"}) . 3. Some bugfixes. missing features like ListFooters 4. A working simulation of a one-time-password generator (Thanks to Björn). In our UseCase the generated 6-digits token from an additionally desktop application will be attached to the password and evaluating at server side by the users authentication procedure with its saved client token. This is done in a time synchronisation with allowed 2 minutes difference between server time and tokenizer time(client app). Therefore is on the login window a button for getting the server time.

best Stephan

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