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answered 2009-02-19 01:58:38 +0800

iantsai gravatar image iantsai

to vijays

Can you provide a list of file name of the jars that you use in WEB-INF/lib? And also please provide the web.xml you used. In order to make your first case to start ZK easier, I'll suggest you use ZK Studio to quick start a new project(You need to have some knowledge of how to developing JavaEE Web Application under Eclipse), or you can unpack the zkdemo zip archive and drop it into Tomcat directly.

For how to use ZK Studio, please follow this link: ZK Studio Download

For how to download ZK Demo, please follow this link: ZK Demo Download

to sandeepkharat1

Please clear all your Jars inside both share lib in Tomcat and WEB-INF/lib in project, then copy a new set of Jars from ZK downloaded package again. Your problem is ClassLoader loaded different version of ZK Jars in class hierarchy.

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