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answered 2019-04-11 11:56:57 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000

this line doesn't seem right:

<grid height="550px" model="@command('vm.getPosts')" emptyMessage="Nothing in Posts.">

most likely you wanted to do this:


this line doesn't seem right:

<grid height="550px" model="@command('vm.getPosts')" emptyMessage="Nothing in Posts.">

most likely you wanted to do this:


or (in case you really want trigger the load binding after a command, then don't use a getter as the command name ... that's just weird and unexpected)

model="@load(vm.posts, after='loadPosts')

Then the remaining part of you

this line doesn't seem right:

<grid height="550px" model="@command('vm.getPosts')" emptyMessage="Nothing in Posts.">

most likely you wanted to do this:


or (in case you really want trigger the load binding after a command, then don't use a getter as the command name ... that's just weird and unexpected)

model="@load(vm.posts, after='loadPosts')

Then the remaining part of you

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