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answered 2018-02-23 10:54:13 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000

The cause for the problem is the NTML pre-authentication request which POSTs an empty request body (as described in this document ... below the 6 points it mentions the special case for POST requests). What this actually implies lies outside the scope of ZK. Such an empty request body should not arrive in the ZK application in the first place (ZK does the only thing it can do ... responding with an error indicating the missing request body - 467 - Request Incomplete).

Instead the NTLM protocol needs to be followed by responding with a Type II message ... (I don't know what the protocol does in detail) so I can't help with that, and an NTLM expert should be consulted.

Maybe an alternative NTLM integration from the list mentioned in the Tomcat Wiki helps to handle NTLM pre-authentication in the correct way. (Top of the list being Waffle)

Other people having the same question on stackoverflow provide alternative approaches.

The cause for the problem is the NTML NTLM pre-authentication request which POSTs an empty request body (as described in this document ... below the 6 points it mentions the special case for POST requests). What this actually implies lies outside the scope of ZK. Such an empty request body should not arrive in the ZK application in the first place (ZK does the only thing it can do ... responding with an error indicating the missing request body - 467 - Request Incomplete).

Instead the NTLM protocol needs to be followed by responding with a Type II message ... (I don't know what the protocol does in detail) so I can't help with that, and an NTLM expert should be consulted.

Maybe an alternative NTLM integration from the list mentioned in the Tomcat Wiki helps to handle NTLM pre-authentication in the correct way. (Top of the list being Waffle)

Other people having the same question on stackoverflow provide alternative approaches.

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