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answered 2017-10-24 19:38:45 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000

according to the highcharts documentation the "title" property of the export.chartOptions is another nested map, where the "text" key defines the String to be used as export title, while other keys like "align" allow different title settings.

If you change your code to this, you should see the title text in the exported chart:

Map chartOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map titleProps = Collections.singletonMap("text", "ABC");
chartOptions.put("title", titleProps);

according to the related highcharts documentation documentation the "title" property of the export.chartOptions is another nested map, where the "text" key defines the String to be used as export title, while other keys like "align" allow different title settings.

If you change your code to this, you should see the title text in the exported chart:

Map chartOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map titleProps = Collections.singletonMap("text", "ABC");
chartOptions.put("title", titleProps);
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